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Health Access LLC offers expert consulting combined with tools and driven processes to assist health care entities with operations, quality, and risk management. From strategic planning to building capacity to design and implementation of quality-driven programs, our team is dedicated to advancing any program to achieve positive health outcomes in the communities you serve.

Quality assurance & improvement

Health Access LLC provides over 30+ years experience in program and fiscal monitoring for compliance and allowable costs based on the funded source for multiple programs.

advisory council assistance

Our team provides facilitation assistance to planning bodies for strategic planning using data driven evidence based information and materials to help improve community health outcomes

needs assessment

Health Access LLC uses a hybrid methodology of quantitative and qualitative research to assemble a comprehensive needs assessment profile including a 360-degree view of consumer, provider, and administrative insight to needs, gaps, barriers, and capacity building opportunities.

performance management & measurement

Health Access LLC provides data collection and analysis of health outcomes at community level, program level, and/or disease specific with recommendations and implementation assistance for clinical quality improvement processes.

compliance with hrsa regulations

Compliance with federal funding requirements can be daunting. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience with working in multiple federally funded programs to meet these requirements.

grant writing

For over a decade we have used established processes for working with clients on successful grant submissions. Our team can help identify funding opportunities and develop content to meet submission requirements.

it development & assistance

Developing IT solutions for each client's needs...our team can help create real-time data reporting systems for trending outcomes, tracking processes, and creating dashboards to help with strategic planning and more.

process improvement

Process improvement involves identifying workflow efficiencies, improving the patient experience, and managing your risk. Let our team of experts work with your programs to improve quality care.

priority setting resources allocation (psra)

Our team provides expert facilitation with planning bodies to successfully plan, prioritize services, and allocate funding to ensure the full spectrum of services is provided in communities with need.

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